Tree and Shrub Sale

2019 Tree & Shrub Sale

This 2019 year’s sale is over.
Notice of the 2020 tree order will be posted if we have one.

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All of our plants come from Fedco.  As in the past couple years, we are simply doing a “group order thru Fedco”  See directions below. The benefit is that anything in the Fedco catalog is available to you. Simply use their order system and, before you finish your ‘secure’ check out, indicate that you are part of the Kennebec Group order.     Our Order is xxxxx

Make your order through the Fedco website

When you place your order indicate that you are part of the Kennebec Co. SWCD group    Group #xxxxx

Let us know if you are interested in either the bulb order late this summer, or next year’s tree sale.