District Services

Technical Assistance Available to the Following Groups

Individual Landowners:

  • Recommendations/information on erosion problems, buffer planting, road
    Razor bar designed to divert stormwater runoff.

    Razor bar designed to divert stormwater runoff.

    maintenance, shoreline stabilization, or other water related resource issues

  • Assist interested individuals in forming a road or a lake association
  • Identify information, groups, and/or financial assistance relevant to individual’s needs

Road Associations:

  •  Recommendations regarding the design and maintenance of private ways
  • Assist association with development of a long-range maintenance plan
  • Identify information, groups, and/or financial assistance relevant to association’s needs

Lake Associations:

  • Maps/aerial photos delineating features such as watershed and municipal boundaries

    Watershed mapping for survey of NPS sites.

    Watershed mapping for survey of NPS sites.

  • Coordinate and/or speak at informative workshops covering such issues as: planting buffers, private road maintenance, NPS pollution and water quality, and shoreline stabilization
  • Assist in the development of watershed survey’s


  • Information/assistance concerning road related erosion problems
  • Assist municipal officials in development of water resource related ordinances
  • Maps/aerial photos delineating features such as watershed and municipal boundaries

Other Conservation Groups/Organizations:

  • Design conservation practices that solve erosion problems
  • Coordinate and/or speak at informative workshops covering such issues as: planting buffers, private road maintenance, NPS pollution and water quality, and shoreline stabilization
  • Provide watershed characteristic data for use in assessment reports

Technical Assistance Fees

The Kennebec District currently charges a $50/hr fee for most TA and $55/hr for our GIS mapping services.  In some cases we arrange a modified fee for conservation partners or larger and more long-term projects.

Watershed Project Sponsor $50/hr
The District can act as the sponsor of watershed improvement projects on behalf of lake associations, municipalities, or watershed groups. We can also assist with grant writing.

Third Party Assessment $50/hr
The District can provide recommendations to landowners and/or municipal officials regarding potential or existing erosion problems due to construction activities. This can include assistance with the needed paperwork for permit applications.

Third Party Inspection $50/hr
The District can serve as a third-party inspector to monitor compliance with MDEP (Site Law) permit conditions during construction.

GIS Mapping & GPS Services $55/hr
The District can produce custom GIS maps for landowners, watershed organizations, municipalities and state organizations. [shoreland zoning, environmental surveys, permit applications, comprehensive plans, forest management plans, etc.]

Permit application materials $50/hr
Assistance with permit applications to address conservation issues. Materials used to address and answer regulatory requirement. Can include mapping. [ PBR, NRPA, NPDES, Town Shoreland Zoning, etc]

Watershed Project Technical Assistance $50/hr
The District can provide technical assistance for watershed projects that are secured by other organizations.

Landowner Technical Assistance $50/hr

Example of minimizing impact for water access.

Example of minimizing impact for water access.

Staff can meet with landowners and provide options for addressing problems (such as lack of buffer and erosion of property) that impact water resources.
Various permit applications may take different amounts of time. the preparation of a Permit by Rule application for the landowner to submit to DEP usually is the easiest.

Erosion & Sedimentation Control Plan Development & Review $50/hr
The District can approve Erosion and Sedimentation Control Plans required by the Department of Environmental Protection for activities covered in the Maine Construction General Permit.

Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment $50/hr
Site assessment required to determine the environmental impact of construction, demolition, property transfers and/or financing.

Buffer Planting Design $50/hr
Design of watershed buffer plantings for shorefront property owners or businesses to improve water quality and aesthetics

For more information on the District contact:
Dale Finseth
21 Enterprise Dr. Suite #1
Augusta, ME 04330
207-622-7847 ext. 3
or e-mail DFinseth@kcswcd.org

The Kennebec County Soil & Water Conservation District is a Non-Profit Organization. All proceeds from our fundraising efforts are used to promote conservation and the wise use of our natural resources.

The Kennebec County SWCD is an equal opportunity provider and employer.