Skidder Bridge Rental

Kennebec County SWCD owns a steel temporary skidder bridge [3 sections] each ≈5x20’ and weighing ≈2,800 lbs.

The “process for using” outlines important information, such as contacts and some of the steps below. You can find this document here.

Steps for renting the skidder bridge

  1. Acquire a FON if necessary. Requirements and information can be found here.

  2. Call or email Stephanie at 207-480-3927 or to see if the bridges are available. If emailing and no FON is necessary, you can also include a map of the location and details here to save a step later.

  3. Read the Agreement to Borrow. The application will have you agree to this.

  4. If the bridge sections are available, hand deliver, or mail a deposit check for $250 to:

    Kennebec County SWCD
    2305 N. Belfast Ave.
    Augusta, ME

    Directions can be found on the Contact page.

  5. After submitting the deposit and confirming the bridge is available, you can access the application here. Please only access the application after reaching out to Stephanie.

  6. Once your form has been submitted, you can contact Emile for pickup. His contact information is available in the “process for using” document above.

If you have any questions about this process, please feel free to contact us.

Actual skidder bridge photo for rent